YongXuSheng Garment (Nantong) Company Ltd.
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Yongxusheng cares about our people and the community

We are committed to conduct our business with the highest standards of business ethics and integrity. Our core value is people, we believe employees’ health is the fortune, they are the most valuable assets of a factory. Our employees are engaged in company activities such as medical check-up, waste-reduction and energy saving efforts. They are at the heart of our community involvement.  As a good corporate citizen, we will continue to foster a corporate environment that inspires our staffs with their fully supports in various actives. Let’s one pass it on to his family and others, make the change and influence.
Yongxusheng uphold the strategic concept of green manufacturing, green operation and green products.  We integrate the concept of environmental protection into every step in our daily work.  Our goal is to reduce the carbon footprint we leave behind on our planet.  One of the solutions is to lower waste in the workplace.

Reducing waste in the work place

Waste reduction is more cost-effective than recycling because it reduces the amount of material that needs to be collected, transported and processed. Waste reduction can save money.
We initiate our staffs to change their habits in work that will save incredible resources.
-Reduce the use of office paper.
-Read from computer, print less, print double sided.
-E-filing - less paper, less storage, improve work efficiency. 
-Shut down computers.

Saving energy, helping environment

Production waste is expensive, and not just in terms of the cost of the product being thrown away or the cost of disposal. Waste involves the loss of costly and scarce resources such as energy and water, consumables and materials which might not be recovered.  As a result, the real cost of waste can be several times higher than the cost of disposal. Cutting the production’s waste can reduce environmental impact. 
We change the attitudes of workers towards the creation of waste.  Eliminating waste by improving quality of work and making fewer mistakes.  We request all workers make it as a habit to switch off lights, machines and equipment when leaving the workshop.  Leaders will make sure that taps and air conditioner are turned off when they are not in use.  All these simple actions can help to reduce waste of scarce and expensive resources. We believe small steps become great leap when multiplied by 400 employees.

Reformer of fashion waste

Yongxusheng is awakened by fashion industry and its waste.  Our factory is committed to zero-waste philosophy in production.  All fabric ends or defective fabric will be examinate and assorted according to its size. We will reuse and upcycle it as machine cover, seat cover, curtain or tote bag….  In production, we aim to produce A grade good quality with zero defective garment.We monitor quality from cutting panels to assemblies. Whenever there is fabric flaws or quality imperfection, it will be changed or fixed before sewn to a complete garment. Our factory will produce no seconds and result in zero garment wastage.
Factory will organize two drills per year. All staffs must be participated.  We will provide training to new staffs once they start work.  We introduce the sight of fire alarms, emergency routes, location of exits and any specific fire safety procedures.
We took fire drill seriously and ensure all workers are familiar with the evacuation routes. Practice will make actions be an automatic response whenever alarms sound, so everyone will be evacuated from the building in an orderly manner.  Safety manager will be on lead of the fire drill.  He will take measures on each fire drill and assess safety procedures are being followed. On the other hand, we have assigned a team to join the fire drill training, they can assist firefighting in emergency case.
Factory will provide three-level of work safety education for new employees.  We will regularly organize specialists to carry out work safe behavior workshop, including factory rules and regulations, on-job training and safety assessment. Workers cannot start work and operate machines until they passed the training program.  Although all factories have established safety management system, the implementation requires employees have a strong sense of safe behavior. Our training will educate new employees the on-site’s regulations, core company culture, knowledge of operation process, as well as the importance of work safe behavior.  After safety education, new employees can integrate into production work and able to develop their skills in a safe environment.





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